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Музыка в mp3: Patricie Anzari - Chantings (1993)


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Музыка в mp3: Patricie Anzari - Chantings (1993)

Patricie Anzari - Chantings (1993)

Quality: CBR, 192kbps, joint stereo

01 (3:45) I Am A Circle
02 (2:56) The River Is Flowing
03 (3:26) The Earth Is Our Mother
04 (4:06) Fly The Air Eagle
05 (3:10) Return
06 (2:58 ) I Am On The Endless Journey
07 (4:50) All The Eartrh Is Sacred
08 (2:40) I Am The Light Of The World
09 (4:22) Bozi Laska
10 (2:55) Dear Friends
11 (2:43) Shalom
12 (3:01) Allah Hu
13 (3:26) La Illaha Illa'llah
14 (2:50) Allah
15 (2:45) Om Shanti
16 (3:32) Hare Bolo
17 (4:10) Genesha
18 (2:12) Gloria
19 (2:18 ) Jubilate Deo
20 (2:10) Salvador Mundi
21 (5:23) The Doors To My Heart

Playing Time : 69:38
Total Size : 95,9 MB

21 sacred song from different forges world (christian,jewish,arabic,indic,indian) with patrix on sang
at live appearance 298 people

PhDr. Patricia Anzari, CSc. is a very popular Czech psychoterapist, having been in private practise since 1990.

She is a prominent Czech representative of Transpersonal psychology, a founder of the Transpersonal Society and training in the holotrophic breathwork in the Czech republic, a holder of the Prof. Stanislav Grof International Certificate. She works in primary prevention, inspires hundredes of people to spiritual feelings and rightful ways of living. She works with individuals and families and creates special programs for children. Her style is multidimensional, and includes transpersonal psychoterapy, creative and ethnic dance, T'ai-Chi singing, encounter and gestalt techniques, psychodrama and intuitive shamanic ways.


PhDr. Patricia Anzari, CSc. is a very popular Czech psychoterapist, having been in private practise since 1990 She is a prominent Czech representative of Transpersonal psychology, a founder of the Transpersonal Society and training in the holotrophic breathwork in the Czech republic, a holder of the Prof. Stanislav Grof International Certificate.

She works in primary prevention, inspires hundredes of people to spiritual feelings and rightful ways of living. She works with individuals and families and creates special programs for children. Her style is multidimensional, and includes transpersonal psychoterapy, creative and ethnic dance, T'ai-Chi singing, encounter and gestalt techniques, psychodrama and intuitive shamanic ways.

At the present she applies her own modified version of the holotrophic breathwork called Shamanyka as a top of a long-term cooperation with a client on a level of a rite of initiation. It is necessary to participate in preparatory workshops - Passionata and Cesta (The Journey), before taking part in the Shamanyka. All of her workshops take place in her new Centre in Rynartice, a beautiful house in an area of The National Park with wild sand rocks and deep forests sine summer 2002.

Patricia works closely with a team of assistants including a physician in all of her workshops. Her work is based on ethically clear policy, the main goal is to encourage particicipants of her workshops to independence, boldness, purity and truth in their relationships and work to fulfil presence of God in their everyday lives.

Patricia can speak English and French fluently. She has already introduced her work in the USA, France, Germany and Denmark.

The main Czech radio station (Praha) broadcasted her own popular and succesful programme named Sources of knowledge from 1990 to 1997. Sources of knowledge is also the name of her book that´s enthusiastically been accepted by people of all generations.

She has introduced herself as a singer and initiator of interesting musical projects on CD Chantings, Extase, Worlds. On a field of music she works closely particulary with Miloš Vacík, a master of drums and percussions. In 2003 her small music label Herba Magica released two other CDs named "Healing Chants for Children" and "Were you there?" Spirituals.
Patricia has already produced several tapes with her meditations too (in czech).

Another prominent person Patricia cooperates with is a famous Czech actor Jan Potmešil who is a membrer of Herba Magica team at workshops in Rynartice center as well.
17 06 2006, 20:13 URL сообщения


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