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osho_The Grass Grows By Itself_ch#(3_5)_Talks on Zen


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osho_The Grass Grows By Itself_ch#(3_5)_Talks on Zen

The Grass Grows By Itself
Talks on Zen
Talks given from 21/02/75 am to 28/02/75 am
English Discourse series
8 Chapters

Discourses #3 - #5
download links below

#3 Emptiness and the Monk's Nose

Buddhism is an experience and Zen is the purest of all Buddha's teachings -- the very essence. And the center around which the whole experience moves is emptiness.

How to become empty? That is what meditation is all about: how to become so silent, that you cannot even see yourself -- because that too is a disturbance. Feeling that "I am", is also a disturbance -- even that goes. One is completely effaced, utterly effaced. The sheet is clean, it becomes like a summer sky -- clouds are no longer there, just the depth, the infinite blueness, ending nowhere, beginning nowhere. This is what Buddha calls the ANATTA, the innermost center of non-being, of no-self. Buddha says: "You walk, but there is no walker; you eat, but there is no eater; you are born, but there is nobody who is born. You will be ill, and you will become old, but there is nobody who becomes ill and becomes old. And you will die, but there is nobody who dies." And this is what eternal life is ... not being born, how can you die? Not being there, how can you be ill or healthy?

#4 The Cataract at Luliang

" ... kindly tell me, is there any way to deal thus with the water?"
"No", replied the man, "I have no way; plunging in with the whirl, I come out with the swirl. I accommodate myself to the water, not the water to me. And so I am able to deal with it after this fashion."

And this is the phenomenon of the whirl: on the surface the whirl is big; the deeper you go, the smaller and smaller the whirl becomes -- stronger, but smaller. And nearly at the bottom the whirl is so small you can simply get out of it with no fight. In fact the whirl itself throws you out, near the bottom. But you have to wait for the bottom. If you start fighting on the surface, you are done, you cannot survive. I have tried with many whirls; the experience is lovely.

And it is exactly as it happens in deep meditation, because there also you fight. When your inner being yawns, and the abyss opens, it is just like a whirl: if you start fighting, you will be crushed. You have to allow it, you simply move with it, you don't fight. You simply move with it; wherever it leads, you go. You preserve your energy; not a single iota of energy is lost, because you are not fighting, you are moving with the whirl. You are enjoying the whole phenomenon, as if you are on the wings of the whirl, flying. Within a second you are pulled to the bottom because it is such a tremendous force. It kills many people. And, once near the bottom, you can simply slip out -- there is even no need to slip out of it, you will slip out because it is so small it cannot contain you.

#5 The 'Master of Silence'

You can simply say, "I have become enlightened", and nobody can deny it, and nobody can disprove it. There simply exists no criterion to judge it, and you can always find foolish people to follow you.
[ ... ]

In the world, millions of fools exist; and they are always ready to believe, always ready, ready to fall into the trap of anybody. In fact, sometimes there is no trap at all, but they fall, because they would like to believe that something is happening. Man is so imaginative, and, because of his imagination, he starts believing that something is happening.

The Grass Grows by Itself #3, 106 Min. mp3 64 KBit/s 51 MB

The Grass Grows by Itself #4, 82 Min. mp3 64 KBit/s 39 MB

The Grass Grows by Itself #5, 91 Min. mp3 64 KBit/s 44 MB
08 04 2007, 01:11 URL сообщения


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