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Osho «No Water, No Moon» Talks on Zen stories [Eng]


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Osho «No Water, No Moon» Talks on Zen stories [Eng]

No Water, No Moon

Talks on Zen Stories
Talks given from 11/08/74 am to 20/08/74 am
English Discourse series
10 Chapters

(#1 - #7, download links below)

"Is that so?"

Your attachment creates the delusion. The delusion is not there outside you, the maya is not there outside you. It is within you, in your attitudes: attached, choosing, for this, against that, making distinctions, like and dislike. It is in you. You create your illusion and then you live in it, then you are clouded by it. In that clouded state you can see only the reflection, you can never see the real moon.
This Hakuin remained balanced. Whatsoever happened outside didn't affect the inside at all. The inside remained balanced -- no waves, no vibrations of the outside entered. He remained silent as if it was a dream. And whatsoever came, he accepted it. He didn't become a doer, a karta, he remained a witness.
These three words, "Is that so?" belong to the witnessing soul; not making any judgment, simply saying, "Is that so?" And this is all that was inside him, "Is that so? If it is so, okay."
A sage okays everything that happens, he has no choice. And when there is no choice, there is no water. No water -- reflection disappears, maya disappears -- no moon.
No Water, No Moon #3


01-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 45 MB

02-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 52 MB

03-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 37 MB

04-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 36 MB

05-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 35 MB

06-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 41 MB

07-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 36 MB
02 06 2007, 00:27 Отзывы :: URL сообщения
Постоянный участник
Сообщения: 114
Темы: 49
Откуда: Sweden
Профиль ЛС

Карма: +10


No Water, No Moon

#8 - #10
(download links below)

Go with emptiness in your hand, because that's all... that's all I can offer to you, and nothing is greater than that. This is my gift: go with emptiness in your hand. If you can carry emptiness in your hand, then everything becomes possible. Don't carry possessions, don't carry knowledge, don't carry anything that fills the pot and becomes the water, because then you will be seeing only the reflection. In wealth, in possessions, in houses, in cars, in prestige, you will see only the reflection of the full moon. And the full moon is there waiting for you.

Let the bottom drop! Don't try this way and that way to protect the old pail. It is not worth it. Don't protect yourself, it is not worth it. Let the pail break down, let the water flow, let the moon in the water disappear, because only then will you be able to raise your eyes towards the real moon. It is always there in the sky -- but emptiness in the hand is needed. Remain more and more empty, think yourself more and more empty, behave more and more as if you are empty. By and by, by and by, you will have the taste of it. And once the taste comes, it is so beautiful.

Once you know the taste of emptiness, you have known the very meaning of life. Carry emptiness, drop the pail of water which is your ego, your mind and your thoughts, and remember: no water, no moon -- emptiness in the hand.

No Water, No Moon #10


08-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 46 MB

09-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 40 MB

10-No_Water_No_Moon.mp3, 64 KBit/s, 38 MB

16 06 2007, 12:46 Отзывы :: URL сообщения
Постоянный участник
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Мда, что вы тут написали я непонял ни слова! Зачем из Русскоязычного сайта делать иностранный? Нуууу.... не знаю....
05 08 2007, 08:22 URL сообщения
Antar Dhan
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Есть простое решение - оставить модерирование модераторам, а если что-то непонятно или неприятно - просто проходить мимо. В крайнем случае, можно задать вопрос модератору в специально отведённом месте.

Ну а уж если совсем невмоготу, можно скачать ангоязычный дискурс Ошо и перевести его на русский! Чего проще... :) Всё есть, перевод есть, осталось только таймлайн расставить и начитывать себе в микрофон.
05 08 2007, 12:57 URL сообщения
Активный участник
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К счастью, не только русскоязычные участники обогащают наш Форум ценной информацией Очень доволен
Именно поэтому в Правилах Форумов нет правила, которое бы обязывало участников размещать информацию исключительно на русском языке, и именно поэтому здесь так много людей, объединенных не внешними атрибутами национальности, а внутренним духом поиска Непреходящего.

Как модератор этого раздела я подтверждаю адекватность и ценность данного релиза для Форумов Лотоса, за что zoraom получает заслуженную благодарность Браво!

А ты как-нибудь попробуй подучить английский - гарантирую тебе значительно расширение кругозора и возможностей получать информацию, которая тебя интересует по какому-либо вопросу Подмигиваю
07 08 2007, 12:42 URL сообщения


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