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Музыка в eD2k: Ah Nee Mah - 5 альбомов


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Музыка в eD2k: Ah Nee Mah - 5 альбомов

Ah Nee Mah (New Age, Ethnic Fusion)
Альбомы записывались совместно с David Arkenstone и Diane Arkenstone.

Ссылки eMule; если Вы еще не знаете, как качать, то читаем здесь.

  • <a href="ed2k://|file|Ah-Nee-Mah.(David.&.Diane.Arkenstone).-2000-.Spirit.of.the.Southwest.(mp3.256Kbps).rar|131208915|29C96B266477866BDDD127DBFB94FBB5|h=3M7JE64WJFWK4AE3RFWEICSXZFLRLSUJ|/">2000 — Spirit of the Southwest</a> (256 Kbps, 125 Мб)
    This collection of pieces from three of Neo Pacifica's most popular recordings paints a wonderful, evocative portrait of the enchanting Southwest. These beautiful, haunting melodies are exquisitely performed on Native drums and flutes, accompanied by guitar and keyboard textures, creating a captivating musical tribute to this powerful, mysterious, and beautiful land.

  • <a href="ed2k://|file|Ah-Nee-Mah.(David.&.Diane.Arkenstone).-2000-.The.Spirit.of.Mesa.Verde.(mp3.256Kbps).rar|112836353|BD905AC3D5C918F1B612CC423C1E4F14|h=JQWD32XZ4MPGMLXU4QPC2VGFF46ASNEP|/">2000 — The Spirit of Mesa Verde</a> (256 Kbps, 108 Мб)
    This captivating recording blends nature sounds, Native flutes and drums, guitars, and rich ambient atmospheres to paint an evocative musical portrait of this spellbinding landmark of ancient culture. Beautiful haunting melodies are interwoven with hypnotic rhythms to create a soundtrack to one of the most fascinating and mysterious ancient sites in the world.

  • <a href="ed2k://|file|Ah-Nee-Mah.(David.&.Diane.Arkenstone).-2001-.Spirit.of.the.Canyon.(mp3.192Kbps).rar|85512214|EA466E2EDC6A6060D95853ADCC18FF2E|h=OHUGIENNDUX7BQPDU3I3JDIIT2FQE4XD|/">2001 — Spirit of the Canyon</a> (192 Kbps, 82 Мб)
    Nature's own orchestra, Native flutes, drums and strings are woven together in this unique collection of sound paintings of the Grand Canyon. This living soundscape will invoke for you a treasured memory and tribute to the majesty, splendor and timeless beauty of this natural wonder of the world.

  • <a href="ed2k://|file|Ah-Nee-Mah.(David.&.Diane.Arkenstone).-2002-.Ancient.Voices.(mp3.192Kbps).rar|76552002|1206A0866093C2C314605DB1DBF0FB2E|h=OBREGRH47PHI5FO35BUMRHCTV6FFEUTX|/">2002 — Ancient Voices</a> (192 Kbps, 73 Мб)
    Spirits of the past come alive in these magical sound paintings. Drums, flutes and other worldly instruments blend with the echoes of ancestral voices from long ago. They beckon you to share the ancient ways...

  • <a href="ed2k://|file|Ah-Nee-Mah.(David.&.Diane.Arkenstone).-2002-.The.Grand.Circle.(mp3.256Kbps).rar|104869622|F81B40650584FD592052AA58EB2C4D2D|h=D2F64UPLRC3NK63G2V6563KNK6VOD7GR|/">2002 — The Grand Circle</a> (256 Kbps, 100 Мб)
    Native-inspired new age and ethnic fusion featuring flutes, guitar and native drums. Soothing, reflective and cinematic.

  • 2006 — Ancient Visions (у кого есть?)

Окунитесь в мир мистики и таинственных сил природы и Человека!
22 06 2006, 19:56 URL сообщения
Swami Bodhi
Сообщения: 65
Темы: 15
Откуда: Россия
Профиль ЛС

Карма: +22

Maestro, Ancient Visions появился Здесь
Альбом в формате FLAC.
08 07 2006, 01:04 URL сообщения


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