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Музыка городской шаманки Gabrielle Roth:Bones + Zone Unknown


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Музыка городской шаманки Gabrielle Roth:Bones + Zone Unknown

Пароль/Password: Roth

Gabrielle Roth - Bones

Gabrielle Roth is a noted artist, philosopher and healer. She has devoted her life to exploring and communicating the language of primal movement and experimental theater. Over the past 35 years, Gabrielle has taken thousands of people on a journey from physical and emotional inertia to the freedome of ecstasy, from the tyranny of the chattering ego-mind to the blesses emptiness of stillness. Her labs and retreats have an electric intensity that mates contemporary currents of rock music, modern theater and poetry to the ancient pulse of shamanism.

Gabrielle is the Artistic Director of her dance/theatre/music company, The Mirrors, and has been a member of the Actor's Studio (PDU). Her award winning musical recordings are on the cutting-edge of shamanic trance/dance music. She is currently teaching experimental theater in New York based on The Roth 5 Rhythms™ and training others to use shamanic methods within artistic, education and healing contexts.

Eine Hymne an den heiligen Spirit der Tiere. Die CD beginnt mit einem Warm-Up und geht dann einmal durch die Welle der 5 Rhythmen. Für die 5 Rhythmen werden die Tiergeister von Delphin, Rabe, Schlange, Reh und Wolf angerufen. Ein tiefer Ruf an den inneren Tanz um Deine Knochen.


Пароль/Password: Roth

Gabrielle Roth - Zone Unknown

Treibende, wilde Rhythmen, Percussion und Stimm-Impressionen verweben sich zu einer ekstatischen Reise durch die Rhythmen. Schnelle Trance-Musik, die dich in die "unbekannte Zone" entführt, in der nichts vorhersehbar, alles möglich und nichts von Dauer ist.
Hot stuff!
27 08 2006, 06:23 URL сообщения


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