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Суфийская музыка: Sheikh Mohamed Al Helbawy - Egyptian Sufi


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Суфийская музыка: Sheikh Mohamed Al Helbawy - Egyptian Sufi

Egyptian Sufi - Sheikh Mohamed Al Helbawy

MP3 | 192 kbps | Arсhive: RAR

Hossam Ramzy Presents EGYPTIAN SUFI - Sheikh Mohamed Al Helbawy

Sheikh Mohamed Al Helbawy was born in Bab El Shaareyya, Cairo, on the 9th of February 1946. He learned to recite all of the wholly Qouran at a very early age on the hands of various Sheikhs in Cairo. He enrolled into the University of Al Azhar (The University for Islamic and other Academic Studies). He also studied the arts and science of Oriental Music & Voices. Through his musical studies he excelled in the knowledge of the science of Arabian Musical Scales in the School of Mashaiekh (school for education of Shiekhs) and specialised in the Art of Religious Tawashieh (Islamic Chanting).

He has conducted valuable research into the field of Sufi studies has earned him a prominent place in the world of Sufi Chanting in Egypt and other Arabian countries where Sufism is practiced such as Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Syria and other Asian countries. He was there for invited to attend and participate as a lecturer in several international Sufis conferences around the world.

His group "FERQAT AL INSHAD AL SUFI" (Group for Sufi Chanting) was first formed in 1970 with the help and assistance of the world renowned music researcher and historian Dr. Soliman Gameel who helped introduce the improvisational art of Islamic and other styles of chanting in Egypt and around the world. The group was founded on solid basis of scientific studies of the Arabian music so that it can present “AL TURATH” (The Heritage) authentically as well as keep it progressing and evolving and modernising itself to guarantee its continuance.

It is a privilege to have had the honour to record this album with Sheikh Al Helbawy, whom I personally find very enlightening, educating, charming and with a smile in his eyes like a child looking at the sky on a sunny day watching a flock of migrating birds
~ Hossam Ramzy

Sheik Al Helbawy is one of the most important Sufi singers in Egypt and an acclaimed expert on Sufi music. With his group Ferqat Al Inshad Al Sufi this charismatic chanter presents haunting Sufi chants of Egypt accompanied by religious kawada (bamboo flute) and Egyptian percussion.

Traditional Sufi religious chanting: Sheikh Al Hebawy is backed by a male chorus, with bamboo flute and percussion added for most tracks. Much like Gregorian or other religious chants, the melodies are minimal and rhythmic, carrying the words along on little waves. Many of the melodies were composed by Al Hebawy over traditional sources.

Track listings:
01 Al Athan Al Sultana 3:19
02 Khawatim Soorat Al Baqara 3:12
03 Asmaa Allaho Al Husna (usic: Sheikh M. Al Helbawy) 04:18
04 Qom Faqad Taba Samaai (trad., music by Sheikh M. Al Helbawy) 5:32
05 Mawalaya (trad. composed by Sheikh Zakareya Ahmed) 5:59
06 Ya Man Bel Waffa (trad., composed by Sheikh M. Al Helbawy) 6:58
07 Ahl El Amana (lyrics: Fouad Haddad, from Diwan Al Hadrah Al Zakeyyah) 6:57
08 Salla Alho Ala Mohammad (trad.) 4:49
09 Ashada Rubbie (music: Sheikh M. Al Helbawy: Maqam Bayati) 7:28
10 Ebtihal (Sheikh M. Al Helbawy) 6:22
11 Tala-a Al Naharo Ala Al Aqmar (trad., music by Sheikh M. Al Helbawy) 5:40
12 Khitam (trad.) 0:35

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13 12 2006, 02:52 URL сообщения


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